Monday, October 18, 2010

Monday, October 18th!

Today, in class...
Turn in our multi-flow map and stampsheet. We then read Britteny's post. After that we discussed and took notes on pH levels, how they effect enzymes, and about cancer.

STUDY FOR TEST! (Wednesday)
Cancer paper (10/25) account needs to be set up (TOMORROW!)

Regulating Cell Cycle
Cyclins- proteins that regulate the cell cycle.
~They signal for the formation of the spindle aparatus during interphase
~They also tell a cell to divide when it should, and prevent a cell from dividing when it shouldn't

Internal Regulation- proteins that are found within a cell. They check if a cell is prepared for mitosis.
~Internal things needed for mitosis: Spindle fibers, replicated DNA, etc.
~If DNA is mutated, these proteins will not function properly.

External Regulation- are outside the cell. They are signals to speed up or slow down cell division.
~Contact inhibition
~Healing a wound.

Plant & Animal Cells in Mitosis
The major difference between plant and animal cells during mitosis is that plant cells form a cell plate during telophase, while animals cells pinch apart at the cleavage furrow. Also, animal cells have centrioles and plant cells do not.

Don't forget tomorrow is a BIO DAY so we will meet in the LYCEUM!
Our next scribe is
Michael Lenckos

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