Thursday, October 21, 2010

Fun Game Thursday!

Today in class:

We got our grade reports, and did star and a wish. We also started a new unit today, which is Diseases and Immunity. We then took some notes on our new unit and got a new packet and calender for the unit. Then we played the zap game for the rest of the day.


Infectious Disease

Disease: Any change that disrupts the body's functions.

Pathogens: Agents which cause infectious diseases Ex. Bacteria and viruses (Cancer is not infectious as it is a mutation of the a cell's DNA)

The Germ theory of Disease-only been around for the last couple hundred of years
Infectious diseases are caused by micro organisms

very small-(Interesting Fact: There are more bacteria than
cells in the human body)


Protists-Ex. African Sleeping Sickness


And Worms (I didn't want to include a picture for this as it was pretty nasty)

Spread of Disease:

3 Ways to Spread Disease-Physical contact, contaminated food or water, and vectors.

Physical Contact- Can either be direct (Sexual contact) or indirect (airborne, coughing sneezing)

Contaminated food or water-Poor sanitation or raw meat can cause infectious diseases. (Note: Our food here in the US is pretty safe due to laws to make sure companies safely handle food and not spread disease. Some countries don't have these laws)

Vectors- Animals like insects or rats which carry diseases. Examples. West Nile - Insects, Malaria - insects, Rabies-animals and the Bubonic Plague which was carried by rats.

Koch's Postulate:

Robert Koch- German scientist who lived in the late 1800's created and proved his theory, which he named the Koch's Postulate.

1) UP 4-5
2) Cancer paper which is due on the 25th

Reminders for your paper:
1)Don't turn in paper with contractions (Such as Don't, Won't)
2)Proofread, that means no typos!
3)Remember to include your graph of your cancer risks and some pictures
4)You also might want to bring in a rough draft of your paper to the 5)TLC tomorrow to get help on it.

Our next scribe will be Patrick.

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