Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Microscope Tuesdays!

Last night, the only homework we had was to work on our lab write-ups for the rip-o-meter lab. Mrs. Stein changed the due date from September 10th, to September 8th. The write up must be typed. If it is not typed then you will receive a zero for the assignment. If you need help the write up, there is a format page in our unit packet, pages 31 and 32. Other reminders that where on the board where: Our first quiz is Thursday the, 2nd. The unit packet, pages 33-37 are also due on Thursday. Don’t forget to visit Mrs. Stein for your homework pass!

Once we went over the reminders, we went over the homework. Mrs. Stein said that we must use our own words when doing our homework. The reason for this is that she wants us to prove to her that we are learning something from the lesson and not just copying what the book says.

When we where done with that, she assigned a new lab for when we where done with the rip-o-meter lab. The lab is to examine different materials under a compound microscope. The purpose of this lab is to become more familiar with this particular microscope. Mrs. Stein taught us how to properly hold it, which is always by the top handle. She also explained that when you first look at something through the microscope you start on the lowest power, which in this case is 4x. If you have any questions about the lab, pages 33-37 in our unit packet explain the lab.

Don’t forget to bring in your goggles and your workbook to class this week!

The next scribe is Lucija.

Monday, August 30, 2010


Today in class we turned in our 6 questions for section 1.1. This was the homework assigned last Friday.

For tonight, our homework is to read the appendix on pages A-14 and A-15 and look at the virtual microscope. Also, a write up for the Rip-O-Meter lab that we are currently working on is due on September 10th. Pages 31 and 32 are good sources to help you get started with your lab write up.

During class we first finished up our pre lab questions and turned those in. After completing the pre lab, we then went on to start the Rip-O-Meter lab. My group decided that we were going to test out what would happen if we used different size leaves. We pierced our leaves at the point where all the veins came together because we agreed that would be the strongest part of the leaf. We also talked about making sure we place the pennies in slowly every time because the experiment wouldn't be controlled if we were throwing pennies in one trial and gently placing them in the next. Most groups just finished the testing part of the lab when class ended.

Also, bring in your lab books and goggles to class this week. We will be using the lab books in class next week.
The next scribe is Julie.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

First Friday of Bio!

Today in biology, we showed Mrs. Stein our homework, and got a second stamp for completion. After that, we went over the homework, which were Simpsons themed worksheets. During that, we reviewed what independent and dependent variables, and control groups are. Mrs. Stein told us a secret on how to remember what the independent and dependent variables were. She said that the independent variables were the data that you are trying to figure out, (independent, I am trying to figure out), and the dependent variables are the data that you’re collecting. (Dependent, Data). After that, we started a lab with leaves. We wrote our own hypotheses and questions to the lab. It was a great way to end the week in Bio.

Olivia is the next scribe

Thursday, August 26, 2010

2nd Day Over!-8/26/10

Today in class we got computers and we learned our username and password for our Glenbrook South account. We also learned how to get onto Moodle, a website where students can find the homework and projects due for their classes. Then we went on blogspot, to learn about how to post and comment on our period 3 class blog. Afterwards our class listened to the drug and alcohol policy and our class policies. Then to conclude our class, we watched three videos on cyberbullying and how important it is to make it stop. Overall today was a good introduction to our upcoming science year.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010


Today in class we learned that Moodle is a blog for your teachers and your classes. It is a very strategic resource to use. Also we learned what science is and gave some examples of it on the board. We also did a lab that involved milk, food coloring, toothpicks and soap. We put food coloring into the milk then added soap and watched some pretty cool things happen. It was a fun day overall and a good first day of Biology.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Let's get started!

Hi There! You found our blog! This is the place to talk about what's happening in class; to ask a question you didn't get a chance to ask in class; to find out what you missed if you were absent, for parents to find out "How Was School Today;" to share your knowledge with other students. Most importantly it's a place to reflect on what we're learning.

Before you can get blogging, please follow the instructions on moodle for instructions on how to become an author on our blog.  Be sure to choose an appropriate screen name for yourself that can be used to identify you WITHOUT using your last name.  Please read this post completely and refer back to it if you have any questions about blogging.

The Scribe Post
So, what's this whole blogging thing and how will we use it in class?  Well, that is a great question that we will answer together over the course of the year.  Blogging is new to me too, so we will figure it out together! Every day one student will be responsible for creating a post to document what went on that day in class.  These posts will be called scribe posts and will make up much of our blog (at least to start!).  The student who makes the scribe post for the day will assign the next day's scribe the end of their post.  Refer to the Scribe List for more information.
Labels, also referred to as tags are important to keep our blog organized and for me to keep track of your contributions for your grade.  If you don't label correctly, I cannot give you credit for your work!  You must include the following 3 labelsyour name (first name, last initial... for example, mine would be DeborahS), the unit we are studying (refer to moodle for the name of the unit), and the type of post that it is.  For now, the two types of posts will be "scribe" OR "on my mind".  As we continue on this journey, we may introduce more types of posts.
Important Words About Ethics
Blogging is a very public activity. Anything that gets posted on the internet stays there. Forever. Deleting a post simply removes it from the blog it was posted to. Copies of the post may exist scattered all over the internet.  That is why we are being so careful to respect your privacy and using first names only. We do not use pictures of ourselves. This is important not only for our blog but for online activities in your own life.  Use good judgement. 

Below are 4 guidelines that you will be expected to abide by.
  1. Blogspaces are to be treated as classroom spaces. Speech that is inappropriate for class is not appropriate for our blog. Engaging in conversation and debate with your classmates is encouraged, however, remember to always be respectful.
  2. Never EVER EVER give out or record personal information on our blog.  Don’t share anything that you don’t want the world to know.
  3. Again, our blog is a public space. And if you put it on the Internet, odds are really good that it will stay on the Internet. Always. That means ten years from now when you are looking for a job, it might be possible for an employer to discover things about you from your younger years. Be sure that anything you post you are proud of.... or else it can come bag to haunt you!
  4. Never link to something you haven’t read. When you link to something, you should make sure it is something that you really want to be associated with. 
Please take a minute to view this

The Scribe List

This is The Scribe List. Every possible scribe in our class is listed here. This list will be updated every day. If you see someone's name crossed off on this list then you CANNOT choose them as the scribe for the next class.

This post can be quickly accessed from the [Links] list over there on the right hand sidebar. Check here before you choose a scribe for tomorrow's class when it is your turn to do so.

IMPORTANT: Make sure you label all your Scribe Posts properly (Your Name, Unit Title, Scribe) or they will not be counted.

David                Gabriella                Patrick                   Julie                  Alexandros
Nick                  Celia                     JoshuaJ                  Bailey                Monica
Kajsa                Nawon                  GabrielleF              Hannah              Samantha
Steven               Brittany                 JoshuaK                 Michael             Andjela
Olivia                 Lucija                   Emma                     Alan                  Ashley
Daniel                MichealL              Micheal R